Want to Be A Vendor?
Have locally grown ag produce, food, or locally produced crafts to sell? WE WANT YOU!!!
- Market location is 5th Street & Avenue J every Saturday from May 31st to Oct 18th, 2025
- Set up is from 7AM to 9AM
- Market open 9AM to 1PM
- $50 annual fee to become a “Member Vendor”
- $20 daily booth fee for “Member Vendors” / $30 daily booth fee for “Day Vendors” (booth fees paid day-of the event)
- Read the Market Rules to see if you qualify
- NO Multilevel Marketing Allowed
*Contact us for more info or… Apply to be a Vendor at the Market:
Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.
- Review the Rules
- Complete Application and submit your Application
- As per the Rules, “A vendor’s acceptance to the Market and status as “Member Vendor” or “Day Vendor” is at the discretion of the Market Manager.”
- There may be a wait list for non-produce vendors (non-growers) to become “Member Vendors.” At the discretion of the Market Manager, additional non-produce vendors (non-growers) may be considered for acceptance as “Day Vendors” as per the Rules and placed on the wait list to become “Member Vendors.”
- Please email us via the Contact Us page for more information.