Sooo Granola


Description: Sooo Granola is Gluten free, Organic, Refined sugar free granola with nut free options!My husband, Jordan, and I created Sooo Granola together. I have multiple food allergies and restrictions so I’ve been creating my own foods for awhile .Our mission is to provide a delicious snack for people with food allergies or restrictions! We try to cater to peoples needs so they feel thought of and cared for.

Owner: Meradyth Vestal

Location: Lubbock, Texas

Phone:  806-632-2855




Products Offered: We offer Gluten free, Refined sugar free, Organic, Nut free options of Granola. We have 2 flavors right now – Toasted Cinnamon Coconut + Dark Chocolate Sea Salt. We are hoping to produce more flavors throughout the summer!