July 3rd 2021 Farmers Market
The Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market, the original and still the best market for locally grown produce! Visit the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market Saturday, July 3rd at 19th and Buddy Holly Ave from 9:00AM to 1:00PM for a taste of downtown Lubbock, and the finest in local produce, meat, baked goods and arts. We are a kid friendly, dog friendly, family event in the heart of the Depot District. Our 2021 market season will be held every Saturday morning through October 16th.
Market Review June 26, 2021
by Paul Bullock & Mary Gates

When there is a slight cooling in the summer weather, the Market benefits. While we had fewer vendors yesterday than the week before, the shoppers were out in force! I personally saw old friends who have not been attending the Market, some of them declaring it was their first time ever! It is wonderful to see a rebirth of community, which the Market provides. There are groups of people that gather together to catch up after this long dismantling of social contact. It is now a place of hugs and earnest handshakes and smiles that say “We have endured and now we can move forward!”

We are very proud of the diversity that is evident in the goods and services that the Market provides, but also the inclusion and diversity of the vendors themselves, and the shoppers who really are the oil the keeps this machine running season after season…Why, we are so diverse and inclusive that we a had a kitten on a leash and two baby goats in the running for Tornado Industrial/Arts Dog of the Day!
However, in the final decision Lucy came away with the weekly honors and we congratulate Lucy and hope she will be back to visit with her best friend Rod!

I have neglected in the past reviews to wholeheartedly say thank you to the THE GARDEN! Under new ownership, The Garden has embraced the efforts of the Market and opened their wonderful patio for our shoppers to have an area to sit and eat what the food vendors sell, to have access to clean bathrooms and to have an area simply to sit for awhile and enjoy the morning. Adult beverages are available after 11:00 am.
Each season we begin with a little produce and a lot of crafts and specialty vendors, but now the beautiful produce that’s grown right here in our small part of West Texas is showing up at the Market in a big way! We are very impressed with the farmers that work so hard to bring fresh fruits, vegetables, and other homemade products to the Market! Here are three of our most loyal vendors.

Block 20 is run by Allison Liles, and has been a presence at the Market for 6 years. She’s a full time 7th grade math teacher in Seminole, and says the company was her father Dennis’ idea. As a retired schoolteacher, he was looking for a hobby…It began with growing some pumpkins, then a garden, now a full fledged farm! They offer a variety of seasonal produce: onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, black eyed peas, and corn.They also have an impressive array of flavored creamed honey (their own hives), jellies, chow chow, and salsa. They are chemical free in their growing practice.

Ethan’s Earthy Edibles is run by Ethan Carter, a 19 year old who amazed everyone 5 years ago as a 14 year old showing up to the Market with his own business! He started with bags of delicious salad greens and sprouts (radish, sunflower, and pea), and has expanded to a wide variety of produce, including kale, arugula, onion, leeks, garlic, tomatoes, peppers (including the coveted shishito), and squash. He and his family have a high tunnel they built themselves to get a jump on the growing season. They currently have over 600 tomato plants alone! He is also growing an incredible array of mushrooms…15 types, up to 60 pounds a week! Ethan offers flavored olive oils, balsamic vinegar, and honey as well. So impressive! A complete list of his products can be found at ethansearthlyedibles@gmail.com.

Box Burners Creative Acres is run by Judy Briggs. This is her 4th year at Market, and she does it all by herself! Judy had lots of tomato and pepper starter plants at the first markets. She is now wowing everyone with her gorgeous basil plants, and by being the first to offer yellow squash. When asked how she grew them already, she humbly replied she just started them early…She currently has candy onions (beautiful), parsley and Spanish moss plants. She has a horticultural degree, and is putting it to good use! We look forward to seeing her interesting pepper varieties, and her unusual squashes, like cupcake, mashed potato and baked potato! Judy would like to sponsor internships for those looking to experience a working farm, and learn from her expertise. Volunteers also welcome! Interested parties can contact her at (806) 790-3554.
Visit the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market next Saturday July 3rd from 9:00AM to 1:00PM at 19th Street & Buddy Holly Avenue!