August 21st 2021 Farmers Market
The Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market, the original and still the best market for locally grown produce! Visit the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market Saturday, August 14th at 19th and Buddy Holly Ave from 9:00AM to 1:00PM for a taste of downtown Lubbock, and the finest in local produce, meat, baked goods and arts. We are a kid friendly, dog friendly, family event in the heart of the Depot District. Our 2021 market season will be held every Saturday morning through October 16th.

Lubbock Downtown Farmer’s Market review Aug 14th
by Paul Bullock & Mary Gates
Here in West Texas we are told never to complain about the rain! So we won’t. We all woke up to the sound of rain drops falling, and the respite of cool air. It challenges us to know whether or not we should continue with our plans. This is what the vendors and shoppers were faced with as we rolled out of our beds on Saturday morning. However, 31 vendors and many shoppers did not roll back over for extra sleep, but got ready to go to the Market as scheduled. The size of the market was reduced into a smaller area. We were a little late getting everything set up, but our loyal vendors and shoppers were able to make a great day out of the wet streets and occasional rain fall during the Market hours.
Shoppers arrived a little late and at a slower pace, but they came out and showed support for the vendors who were able to make it. I am happy that brand new shoppers are always there, and that old familiar smiling faces show up with the consistency of the sunrise. Both are valued, and much appreciated by our vendors and volunteer staff. Although the air was damp, spirits were not. We had a steady stream of shoppers with their baby carriages and our four legged friends on this cool cloudy day.
The sun did break through occasionally, but gave way to rain throughout the morning and early afternoon. The produce vendors are especially vulnerable, because they must sell their goods or see them spoil. We have great farmers who bring us their bounty in hopes that their hard work ends up on the tables of the good people of this area. The crafts persons who surround the produce vendors help to bring the diversity that makes our Market successful and fun to stroll through. A big salute to all of the vendors and shoppers who chose to participate on this wet and wonderful Market Day!

At first our dog friends were in short supply, but as the morning continued we were happy to see the canine population coming out in force as usual. Our Tornado Industrial/Arts Dog of the week arrived early and with great seriousness took home the prize that we award weekly to our favorite dog. Fred, you are a winner! It was a great day to be at the Market!
We have more vendors we’d like to introduce to you.

This is the first season JOHNNY G’S has been at the market and is making some great salsa. Johnny Gallegos has been making salsa since he was 8 years old, having been taught by his great grandfather. His recipe dates back to pre-columbian times. His specialty is tatemada, which is an Aztec word for charred. He roasts all of his ingredients, and offers a spectrum of heats. He uses a variety of peppers, including Ghost & Carolina Reaper (said to be the hottest pepper in the world). Johnny started the business last year during Covid, and sells @ 100-150 jars a week. Of course, he and his wife Rachael are happy to have you taste test to see which you like best!

FARMER MATT is also new this year, and offers unique fermented products. Matt says he learned about fermentation while working in St. Lucia on a cacao farm, and thought he’d try to see what else he could create. As a farmer for 20 years, he began experimenting with the surplus. Matt started his commercial business back in September, and is now doing it full time. He has mustard (delicious), peppers, beets, pickles, radishes, turnips, kale, and kimchi. As we know, fermented foods are extremely good for us, so go by & check out Matt’s foods!

NASHWELL is run by Angela Nash/ Blackwell & Jonathon Blackwell. She is from Australia, and has been baking for 5 years. Jonathon is an entrepreneur/ artist/ promoter/marketer. They offer unique baked goods (tahini brownies & coffee banana bread to name a couple), and granola. They are opening up a cafe downtown at 1212 Ave K in a couple of months, where they will not only offer their food, but a space for artists to work and show their creations. Learn more about the cafe at Nashwellcafe.com. Learn more about Jonathan at Linebrand.us.
We will be on the streets every Saturday morning from 9am to 1 pm until the 16th of October. We encourage those who come regularly to continue to show up and hope that if you have not experienced the Market, that you will venture out and head our way to 19th and Buddy Holly Ave.