July 1st 2023 Farmers Market
Visit the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market 0n the LHUCA Plaza (5th STREET & AVE J)
The Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market, the original and still the best market for locally grown produce returns to downtown Lubbock on Saturday July 1st from 9:00 Am to 1:00 PM and every Saturday through October 14th.
After 14 years located in the Depot District, the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market has moved to the Downtown Arts District! This season we have relocated to the plaza behind the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts at 511 Avenue K. We will also have vendors set up on 5th Street between Avenue K & Avenue J. This move provides a more scenic environment and a more enjoyable shopping experience for our market shoppers and vendors.
Visit the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market Saturday, July 1st at our NEW LOCATION in the LHUCA PLAZA (5th St & Ave J) from 9:00AM to 1:00PM for a taste of downtown Lubbock, and the finest in local produce, meat, baked goods and arts. We are a kid friendly, dog friendly, family event in the heart of the Downtown Arts District. Be sure to say “Thank You” to our hard-working and dedicated vendors! We are excited to be located in the thriving downtown arts district and hope to see all of our loyal shoppers in this new location.

Market Review June 24
By Paul Bullock & Mary Gates
The morning was clear and the winds were a little gusty following a night of stormy weather that had damaging hail and high winds. Windy weather is a real nightmare for vendors with our canopies being nothing less than huge sails. Our space at LHUCA in the Plaza was somewhat protected from the south wind, and set up went well. We did have a few gusts early on that lifted a couple of canopies off the ground, and some merchandise was blown off tables. However, when the opening bell sounded, we were ready to go, and the shoppers showed up to fill the Plaza.
We continue to add new vendors and to see new faces show up to support our small business owners. Our produce vendors are bringing wonderful fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. We now have two local wineries represented and tons of sauces and salsas to choose from. Our bakers are doing a sell out business on a weekly basis now! The arts and craft vendors are numerous and varied. The market is a great place to shop for any occasion that might require a small gift. Homemade soaps and lotions are available from a few different vendors. I believe we have all the bases covered (except eggs! We need eggs!) We are happy to have food trucks for those who show up hungry and Bahama Bucks did a great deal of business as the temperatures quickly rose into the 90 degree range. We have a shady area and that helps with the heat, but also there are air conditioned Art Galleries that are open to the public during our Market hours.
We see a steady flow of shoppers with lots of families making their Saturday morning outing a weekly routine, and there are always out of towners. I spoke with people from Boulder, CO. and from La Grange, TX. Please send your summer visitors our way! As the morning turned to afternoon the heat spiked and the shoppers began to retreat to cooler places. We encourage early shopping in order to buy what goes quickly and to stay cool. No matter what the weather might be we always have a constant flow with lots of chatter and friendly gatherings

We have tons of dogs that make the trip with their masters and we honor a special furry friend each week. Get a load of Bambi! She knows how to get around, and talk about a fashion statement! We had no choice but to declare Bambi Tornado Industrial/Arts Dog of the Day! Each week is a brand new experience at the Market and we invite you to stop by the Plaza at LHUCA located at 5th and Ave. J between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm each and every Saturday morning.

This week we are introducing you to Fernando Martinez with BEHIND BARS SALSA CO. One might assume that Fernando learned his salsa making skills while in prison, but in fact he works for the prison in Amarillo. His recipe originated from his mom, which he tweaked some to make it his own. He started out bringing his wares up to the officers at the prison, then last year decided to start selling at markets. Roasting the tomatoes & peppers himself, Fernando and his helper Steven create an array of salsas with varying heats. He also combines salsa and fruit for those who want to temper the heat. Fernando offers pineapple, mango, or peach habenero. Of course there is sampling of all so you can decide which is your favorite!
We would like to thank everyone who came to the June 24th market and hope to see you next week at the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market on the LHUCA Plaza!