The Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market, the original and still the best market for locally grown produce! Visit the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market Saturday, June 11th at 19th and Buddy Holly Ave from 9:00AM to 1:00PM for a taste of downtown Lubbock, and the finest in local produce, meat, baked goods and arts. We are a kid friendly, dog friendly, family event in the heart of the Depot District. Our 2022 market season will be held every Saturday morning through October 15th.
June 4th Market Review
The June 4th market was a big success. The weather was perfect, with early temperatures starting in the mid 60’s and only rising to the mid 80’s by the end of the market…and no wind! There was a great variety of vendors including local vegetable and meat producers, prepared food vendors and a wide variety of arts and crafts artisans that exhibit the creative forces on the South Plains.
There were a large number of shoppers at the market. We had a large number of our regular visitors that shop at our market each week as well as a large number of new shoppers attracted to the area due to other neighborhood events including Yoga in the park and the numerous Pride events downtown this Saturday.
The Lubbock Downtown Market is a family and dog friendly event. Free candy offered at the market information booth is a popular favorite element for many of the children present at the market each week. The info booth as well as many of the other vendor booths provide dog treats and water bowls for the many dos present at the market. Each week the Lubbock Downtown Farmers market picks a Tornado Industrial/Arts dog of the week. This week’s dog of the week was Cotton (pictured below). She is a beautiful and well behaved visitor to the market
We hope to see you next week at the Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market. The next market is Saturday June 11th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at 19th Street and Buddy Holly Ave. We look forward to seeing you next Saturday!